Monday 5 April 2010

Why Is Web Traffic Important

Traffic, traffic, traffic. As a new website owner, you must be wondering - what’s all the fuss about traffic? Well, generating traffic to your site/blog is the only way to get customers buying your products and services, and thereby earning your online business a profit. For this reason, you need to generate a steady flow of targeted traffic to your site/blog every day. If you aren’t getting people to your site, you might as well just take it down because having it will lose you money rather than generate an income for you. It’s only logical. Without traffic, your website will never be successful online. It wouldn’t matter if you’ve developed the world’s greatest product or one of the most exciting website if nobody knew about it.

A lot of newbie’s will find generating traffic to their sites/blog one of the hardest things they will come across when trying to start a online business. There are a lot of ways to generate traffic but you must be willing to learn these skills. NO TRAFFIC, NO BUSINESS.

It is also vital to know how to make people come back to your website after they have visited it once, keep your website constantly updated. This way whenever someone visits, they will find new content that will make them interested in coming back again and again in future.

Some gurus will tell you to be successful you will need a massive list but this is not true. You could have a list of 25,000 – 50,000 people (low quality traffic) but if these people are not interested in what you are selling then they won’t be spending there hard earned cash with you, you will just be wasting your time. You must aim to try and get targeted traffic (people who are interested in what you are selling).


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